Happy New Tax Year!

We start the merry go round again moving 1 year closer to the introduction of Making Tax Digital on the 6 April 2019.

We are heavily involved in helping our clients bring up to date their bookkeeping onto cloud-based accounts solutions to ensure you have the information available each quarter at a reasonable cost. If you need help or advise in doing this please contact us as soon as possible and we can get you started and include some free training.

With the 25 May looming the whole concept of GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – is starting to become an issue for all those people who hold data on customers, guests, suppliers, marketing databases and employees. We will write shortly to advise you of what you may need to do and how to do it and where to go to do it. Please don’t think this doesn’t apply to you as nearly every business in the UK will be affected with fines running at 4% of your turnover for non-compliance -the regulator is funded solely by the number of fines they issue!

Finally, this is a great story of how the 6 of April came to be the start of our tax year. Enjoy! Click Here

Happy 2018/19